In our School you can...

National Competitions

Thanks to our partnership with many different companies and school, we offer a great variety of championship and tournaments, besides some incredible experiences just waiting for you!

Meet our great teachers

Our teachers are the best across the country. Plus, they are very kind with our students and ready to help you with any problem you may encounter during your course of study

Enjoy any kind of PCTO

PCTO are the next generation of alternation between school and work, wich provides both unique working experiences and great job trining. Only the best here at IIS Marconi-Mangano

Our Courses


You will be able to learn more about everything related to the world of software and communication with machines through protocols that regulate the internet


Deal with the creation of electronic equipment that can even revolutionize the medical field with mechanical hands useful for simple operations that avoid wasting time.


Is used for the design of the house of your future, that is the digital project palanning that modern architects need to be able to build without using paper.



+1,5 K






Our School...


MOODLE is a platform where students and teachers can upload school projects and important notes, like PDFs and Powerpoint projects. The teachers can also create special online tests of various types, or upload links to videos and online courses. Everyone that has an account can access it every time of the day if you need to re-upload a file, or download a file, or to see if there’s work to do. Students can also see all the tests and files from the year prior to their current one, so if they need old notes for example, everyone can find them in the old school year.

If student want to know what’s appening in the school, like meetings or events and many other things, they can check the newsletter website. The supervisors will frequently update and upload documents, so the student has to check it at least twice a day to keep up with the PCTOs opportunities, exchange trips and many other things.

PCTOs Registration

Talking about PCTOs: Students can easily sign for them online so they can do it everytime they want without wasting any paper. The students has to do at least one or two PCTOs to reach the minimum hours required to be admitted to the final exams (150h), but don’t worry! There are a lot of work opportunities of every type, everyone can find what they like the most and choose it. Some PCTOs also offer trips to foreign cities and special events and even meetings with VIPs and other people.

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